Creating a Consensus document for surgical gloving best practice – Part 1
The first part discusses the need to create a Consensus document with recommendations for surgical gloving best practice.
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Hands are the most important tool in the operating room and gloves are protecting the hands and are an essential part of maintain the aseptic barrier during the surgical procedure. Many glove users don’t know how gloves are made and the different materials they can be made of, and what impact that might have on durability and performance.
Neither are most users aware that there is a wealth of styles of surgical gloves to choose from, with different fit on the hand. At the end of the day, these differences could actually affect surgical performance and safety as well as long term hand health.

Finally, Dr Brindle talks about the need for the industry to play an appropriate role in any Consensus work, without the intension to interfere with the scientific work itself, but to support and facilitate the work of the experts, resulting in the Consensus recommendations.
In this case Mölnlycke Health Care, as manufacturer of surgical and critical environment gloves, supported this Consensus work to address the scientific rational behind surgical gloving best practice. All literature reading, creation of statements, voting on recommendations as well as the writing of the final publications were handled by the group of professional experts.